Real Estate Agent Safety Mini-Class

This course reviews studies and statistics that are somewhat unique to the real estate profession, and the methods and practices that best promote personal safety. This will cover safety in person, pre planning, and cyber security protecting ones clients.

Real Estate agents face a significant risk of being attacked while on the job, so how are you protecting yourself? We recognize the unique danger associated with you career, which is why we're offering a NEW 55-minute Real Estate Agent Safety Mini-Class. Get the training you need to stay safe as you work.

WHAT REAL ESTATE AGENTS WILL LEARN THROUGH THE 55 MINUTE REAL ESTATE AGENT SAFETY & SELF-DEFENSE MINI-CLASS: - How to identify job-related activities that put agents at risk of an attack. - Situational Awareness: Teach students the finer points of tuning into their environment, helping them avoid a potentially violent encounter. - Commonly used cell phone safety features and apps that can be used to keep agents safe. - Legal use-of-force: What criteria must be met before an agent can use reasonable or deadly force – and the consequences that might follow. - Defensive Options: Armed, unarmed and less lethal. Agents, use this opportunity to become better protected and prepared today!
$40.00 per person

Class Dates & Registration